Sunday, September 02, 2012

Chairs: Still a vacancy at the DNC Convention!

Chairs:  Still a vacancy at the DNC Convention!

Steven R. Berryman -   premeditated commentary

The DNC Convention approacheth; methinks that they have been fully upstaged by the Republican efforts of late.  I have but a few questions and some predictions:  To wit.....

*How many empty chairs will be allowed at the DNC Convention, and how will they avoid that unavoidable continuation of the Clint Eastwood joke?

*How many rousing speeches will we hear about all of the accomplishments of "the first 4 years?"

*They will brag upon the demise of bin Laden, even though "He didn't do that on his own."

*Economic statistics will be fully avoided of all kinds, in any form.  No record to run on.

*"We need another 4 years to finish the job" will be a rallying cry.  We're almost there......RIGHT, mr P!

*JOBS JOBS JOBS obfuscation will only be discussed in the old terms of "created or saved...."

*MAJOR THEME:   Just think of HOW BAD IT COULD HAVE BEEN without ME..... will be the mantra; of course, this is conveniently fully unprovable!

The BIG LIE will be:   Pulling America together // I'm the great uniter // let me finish the job I started......

Lastly, don't forget all of those FANTASTIC foreign relations sucesses to brag on; here's the list:

[                                                  ]  end of list.

Obama:   But don't you think it's cool to have a racially mixed president?

Us:          No, Mr. President; just prove you didn't go to college as a foreign exchange student!

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